Tembel Blogcu

Yeteri kadar nedeniniz varsa, her seyi yapabilirsiniz. (Jim Rohn)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sri Chimnoy Peace of Mind

I have only heard this name recently. Sri Chimnoy was unfortunately passed away 2 years ago but people who understood him well have continued to carry his torch all around the world. So this is how I started meditating. Well maybe it is better to say how I start to understand the logic of meditation. I really liked the idea that some day we can actually become master of our minds. It is so true that we often act according to demand of others without thinking off what we really want. I don’t know what is wrong with us that we care some much about what others’ think. A close friend said that this is called co-dependency. “Read this article and understand your behaviours better” he added after sending me the link for the article.

Now I’m thinking-Wasn’t it me that wanted to escape from my home town at the first place? Wasn’t it me saying that I don’t want to live my life for my neighbours, relatives and co-workers etc.? I wanted to be my own. But where this co-dependency comes back to my life once again? Anyway, now I know that it is here. I am older this time! So isn’t it better to do something about it instead of just mourning. Yes! It is just about the time said my mind. Then here I was searching for a help to find my way-out not in a far place but somewhere that I can reach in the internet. :) I have also started walking down the streets and holding my head up to see a sign. Well a sign for a meditation centre. :) Luckily found one! They were offering 4 free classes to everyone to teach how to practice meditation. I know the first thing you think is that “what’s the catch?”. Why they are giving these classes and handouts free? Well they are saying that all they want is to spread the idea of meditation plus helping the world to become a better place. Well I also think they want to sell some books and CDs. :) Beside the craic, I think what they offering to the people is amazing. I never come across that people offering their skills free to the public. I think these guys understand what sharing means well. Congrats! I enjoy their work anyway. Well I must admit that I kinda felt awkward when we were repeating the mantras out loud as a part of meditation in the second class. I felt as if I joined a religious group for a while. Then it reminded me my awful time in the school choir back in the high school. But I don’t need to worry about how my voice sounded this time. Then the next thing I remember was shouting out loud the mantra “OUMmmmmmmm”. Well at least this is what my hubby told me ;)

In case someone wonders what I am talking about I enclose the link for the meditation centre below.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Iyiki Varsin Blog

Bu blog isi benim icin gittikce eglenceli bir hal almaya basladi. Gunluk hayatda yasananlar bir anda iki kategoriye bolundu. Blogluk malzemeler ve blogda dahi kullanilamayacak malzemeler. Onceleri sesin duyulsun istiyorsun, sonra onemli olanin kimsenin senin sesini duymasi degil, senin kendi sesini duyman gerektigi oldugunu anliyorsun.
Kucuklukten beri yazarliga karsi bir merakim vardir. Bilen bilir! Hayir muhtemelen yetenekli bir cocuk oldugum icin degil, agirlikli olarak okudugum “Agatha Christie” romanlarinin etkisinde kaldigim icindi. En buyuk dogumgunu hediyesi hayalim bir daktilo alinmasi idi. O alinana kadar kagit ve kalemlede idare etmeyi ogrenmistim. Taaki hayalim beni oyalamak icin verilen daktilo sozunun ancak bahceli bir eve tasinirsak kopek alabilecegimiz sozu kadar gercek oldugunu fark etmemle son buldu. Gunluk yazma olayim bir sure daha devam etti. Onuda annemin cilt cilt komedi serisi olarak okudugunu itiraf etmesiyle tozlu raflara kaldirdim. En azindan bir kisiyi eglendirebilmistim ama amac bu degildi! Universitede ilk defa bir keyboard ile tanismamla daktilo sevdam tekrar uyanmaya basladi. Fakat bu uyanisin aklima dusmesi ile aklimdan cikmasi bir oldu. Cunku artik muhendis olma yolunda gidiyordum ve onemli olan sayisal bilimlerdi, lak laka yer kalmamisti hayatimda. Sadece bir donem suren tiyatro denemesi kariyerimden sonra (ki hala muhendis olmasam yapabilecegim tek meslegin bu olduguna gonulden inanirim) beynin sag lobunu calistiracak hicbir aktiviteye yer yoktu hayatimda. Taki butun yeteneklerim korelmis ama teknolojinin her gecen gun sinir tanimamaya basladigi herseyin birkac ve de “delete” tusu oldugu gunumuze kadar. Artik hikaye yazmak ya da yazar olmak istemiyorum ama bloguma yazmayi seviyorum. Iyiki varsin blog! Seni seviyorum.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Soner Yalcin'in son kitabindan Anonim bir alinti;
Kucuk sahsiyetler, kisilerle ugrasir.

Vasat sahsiyetler, olaylarla ugrasir.

Buyuk sahsiyetler, fikirlerle ugrasir.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Film Basliklari

Ispanyol/Latin Amerika sinemasinin en sevdigim tarafi film basliklarini anlayabilmem. Cok sig bir yaklasim gibi gelebilir ve belkide oyle ama dikkatimi ceken ilk sey bu olmustu kutuphanede film secmeye calisirken.

Mesela Amerikalilar daha sofistike ve gunluk hayatda cokda kullanilmayan film basliklarini tercih ederlerken, (zira hala “bu ne ya?” dedigim film isimleriyle karsilasmaya devam ediyorum) Ispanyol sinemasi !Hola! demeyi ogrendigim gunden itibaren benim bile anlayabilecegim film basliklari kullaniyor yapimlarinda.