Tembel Blogcu

Yeteri kadar nedeniniz varsa, her seyi yapabilirsiniz. (Jim Rohn)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good vs. Evil

Welcome back to the jungle! Well my friend- I must warn you that it is indeed a big one! A jungle that I don’t know what I should expect? Or which direction I should go to find my path. I am also on my own in this place. There is only one soul helping me out but too many ghosts hunting me down!
Despite the fact that so-called holly books say about good vs. evil, I believe in reality bad is stronger than good. I know you feel the same way. Look around you and tell me that I am wrong! Do please prove to me that I am mistaken. I’ll be more than happy to take your word if you can show me the world indeed is good.

I am closing my eyes and listening to voice of the soul. The soul gives its pure love to me with no expectation. I’m also trying hard to avoid other voices that only create noises. But I can’t help to wonder when the power of this soul would leave me. I know it is going to loose its powers sooner or later. Because I know one angel is not enough to keep too many evils away from me. Because I know I am not strong enough to fight against bad on my own. I need my soul to be with me for the eternity. I need it in the battlefield fighting against the enemy shoulder to shoulder with me. I need it to show me how I should stand against bad and teach me how I should swing my sword to protect me. I know it is somewhere out there and doing its best to cover me. Otherwise I could have lost my hopes way before I write this to you. I cannot do much but hope good will be stronger than bad at least at this time. I just want to feel it, believe it.